Immigrants to Canada can claim child benefit as soon as they become Permenant Residents although the paperwork can be a little daunting, once you have got your information together it will take you about an hour to fill in the forms on-line, print them off, stuff them into an envelope and post them off.
This is how i did it:
Went on the Canada Revenue website
Applied for the online security codes to do it all online
Waited 2 weeks for the password to come through the post
Tried to do it all on line
Realised the principle applicant should be the mother (Doh!).
Swore and cursed a bit.
Luckily it gave links to the various forms so i filled in and printed off
photocopied Lukes passport and PR card
Stuffed it all into an Envelope and sent it to the Tax Office in Winterypeg.
Here is a checklist of all the forms you need including the one to have it paid straight into the bank.
T1-DD1 E (08)
RC66 E (09)
RC66 SCH E (09)
Apparently it is paid every 6 months, not sure excactly how much its worth, i think it should be about $700 per year........ we will wait & see.
Thats nice to know for the future. I suppose every penny helps. Did you stop your child benefits before you left the UK? Tom